Saturday, January 14, 2012

Search and Hold Slips

Just a quick freebie post. I made some Destiny search and hold slips.  It was something that I had on my to do list for a while to make and I was finally able to get around to making them.  Maybe you can use them, too, especially if you are a MS and use Destiny for your online catalog.  Just click on the picture to get your copy.  =)


  1. Thank you for creating the Search slips. I have hold slips and book suggestion slip. Just like you I have thought about creating search slip but never got around to it. Keep up the great work. Glad I found your website.

    1. Yay! So glad you found them helpful. =)
      I realized after posting this that I have the link going to the search slip with Wildcat Favorites listed. Since not everyone has a WF section, I probably need to fix that. I'll work on it and let you know when the updated version is available.

    2. I love your blog. You have so many wonderful ideas. Is there a link to a non-PDF version available? I am asking because I would love to use these slips and the "E" books in my library are referred to as "Everybody" books, and we have not "Wildcat Favorites". : )

    3. Sorry, I meant *no* rather than *not.* Can't find an "edit" button for posts.
