Lesson Freebies

In an effort to clean up my freebies page and to make different types of freebies easier to find, I have made this page for LESSON FREEBIES.  Here you will find links to freebies from me that I have posted on this blog.  Click on the picture or the link below to access them.  Many of the freebies are Google Docs, but you don't need to request that I "Share" the document with you in order to download a Google Doc from me.  All you have to do is click on the download button at the top of the screen and save the file. The download button is circled in the picture below.  Hope you enjoy!

Shelf Order Lessons

Choosing Just Right Books

Book Care Freebies

Information Literacy Skills Lessons

Genre Lessons

(worksheet below goes with this lesson)

Story Element Freebies

Check out more freebies on my other freebies pages!


  1. Thank you so much! You have amazing resources! :)

    1. So glad you are finding something helpful. Thanks for commenting. =)

  2. These are great! Can't wait to use them :)

  3. Thank you! I already plan on using some of these. Great of you to share.

  4. Thank you so much! As a brand new elementary librarian, it is so nice of you to share your awesome lessons!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing! These are wonderful and very much appreciated!!

  6. This is so helpful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and information.

  7. I just want to say thank you. This upcoming year is my first year in the media center. You have helped me so much.
