Thursday, March 14, 2013

Google Reader Going Bye Bye?

Yesterday Google announced that they will be doing away with Google Reader as of July 1, 2013.  I don't know about you, but I rely pretty heavily on Google Reader to keep up with all the blogs I follow.  I use it EVERY day.  I am really stressing about its departure.  I hope this doesn't mean that Blogger will be going away in the future, too.

I did find a petition on to keep Google Reader going.  5,000 signatures are needed and as of this post there are 4,371.  If you love Google Reader, you might consider signing this petition.  You can get to it here.

Anybody else out there upset about loosing Google Reader?  Do you have any suggestions for replacements?  I feel like crying.  :( 


  1. I use Google Reader daily as well. I like how easy it is to manage blog subscriptions and read everything in one frame. I don't even know what else is out there to use, when and if, Google Reader goes away.

    1. I've heard of a few alternatives but I haven't had a chance to look into them yet. Google Reader is just so easy to use. I don't know if there will ever be anything to compare. I just don't get why it's being taken down. So sad. =(

  2. Very upset! Feedly is supposed to be a good alternative.

    Learn With Leah

    1. I've heard that, too. I also heard that you can import all the blogs you follow into it pretty easily, but I haven't checked into it yet. I guess I will be soon.

  3. I made the switch to Feedly this weekend and I like it to far! It's very easy to import your blogs from Google Reader and even saves them in your folders.

    1. I did too! I think it will take some getting used to because it looks different than Google Reader, but it seems pretty easy to use. I like that it has the "Keep unread" feature like GR does. I am also checking out Bloglovin. So far I think I like Feedly the best.
